Kindergarten Registration

Fergus Falls Public Schools is excited to welcome students to the Kindergarten Class of 2038.

Our Kindergarten Meet & Greet Event will be Friday, March 21st in the Library at Lincoln School, 2300 College Way. Parents can choose to attend one of two sessions:
      Session 1: 12:45pm - 2:00pm
      Session 2: 2:15pm - 3:30pm

What to bring on Friday, March 21st 

Ready to Register now? Click on the link to get started! Kindergarten Pre-Registration Form

*If your child has not completed an Early Childhood screening, you can contact 218.998.0544 ext. 8900 to make an appointment now. There will also be someone at the Meet & Greet to help you get that scheduled. 

A Letter from the Principal 

Greetings Future Kindergarteners & Families,

Although it’s only February, we’re already taking steps to get ready for next year’s Kindergarten class. We would like to extend an invitation to your family to attend Kindergarten Meet & Greet on March 21 at Lincoln School. We have two sessions planned for that day. Session 1 will begin at 12:45 and Session 2 will begin at 2:15. Each session will last approximately 75 minutes and we ask that you remain here throughout the session. 

During those 75 minutes, your future Kindergartener will have the opportunity to meet with a Kindergarten teacher and experience a Kindergarten classroom. While your child is having this Kindergarten experience, I will meet with you to share information about the upcoming months. We will plan to discuss enrollment requirements, the registration process, future onboarding opportunities, & building procedures. We will also take time to talk through a typical day in the Kindergarten classroom and provide additional information intended to help prepare you and your child for the upcoming school year. 

 In the meantime, there is a lot of useful information available online as you continue to make decisions about your child’s education.  There are several helpful tips about the enrollment process, and links to forms you may need to complete prior to the start of the year. Registration support will be available on site on March 21, please plan to bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate as well as an updated copy of immunization records. 

This transition to Kindergarten is such a big step for children and families. We don’t want any of this to feel overwhelming or insurmountable. We are here to help in any way we can. You should feel comfortable contacting the Lincoln School office at any time. 218-998-0544 ext. 8900. We look forward to meeting you on Friday, March 21 at Lincoln School for Kindergarten Meeting and Greet. 

With Appreciation,

Jon Steinbrenner

Kindergarten Registration is done in 2 steps:  

STEP 1:  Click here to complete the Online Pre-Registration Form (Completing this does not commit you to enrolling)

You will receive a confirmation email within 72 hours. Our email may go to your Spam or Junk folder, be sure to check those folders

STEP 2:  STEP 2 enrollment instructions will be emailed to you by the end of February.

Information you will need when registering your child:

Kindergarten Enrollment Options

Parents can choose the "All Day Every Day" option, the "Morning Only" option, or  the  "M-W-F" option.  Please note that if you choose the "Morning Only" option, you will need to provide transportation from school at noon.  A change to note: If you have had a M-W-F student in the past - your child will no longer be able to substitute days or join the class for field trips/parties on Tue/Thurs. Contact us if you have any questions.  We would love to be able to help you make this important decision for your child. You can call 218-998-0544 ext. 8901.

Breakfast and lunch is provided everyday at no cost to kindergarten students.  Milk will also be provided  by the school during snack time.  

School begins at 8:25 and ends at 3:07.  Supervision is provided in the Cafeteria and STEM every morning starting at 7:45.  If your child will be riding the bus this year, we STRONGLY encourage you have them ride the first few days / weeks while there are plenty of adult helpers to help them navigate the transition.  

Common Questions & Answers regarding enrollment

Q. What if I am not sure if my child is ready?

A. Sometimes it is not obvious if a child is ready for kindergarten. You can go to the Kindergarten Readiness page for some basic guidelines. 

Q. When should I register my child for kindergarten? 

A. Ideally, we would like to have families register right away in March. Waiting until the last minute can sometimes make the start to the school year feel hurried for you and your child

Q. Can I use my phone to register online? 

A. Yes, you can, but using a desktop or laptop computer will be a better experience.

Q. Can I register by filling out a paper application?

A. Unfortunately we no longer have paper applications. However, there will be laptops available during Kindergarten Meet & Greet on March 21st

Q. Do I need to upload my child's immunizations and birth certificate on my computer?

A. No, you can bring in a copy to Lincoln School at any time during business hours. 

Q. What if I am not sure if I already have a ParentVue account?

A. Send an email to and include your name, the names of your children and their birthdates

Questions about Kindergarten enrollment?  Call Lincoln School 218-998-0544 ext. 8900 or email