Fergus Falls ISD 544 maintains a census to better serve the residents of our communities. Please complete our census form for all children living in your home.
It is very important that all residents of the Fergus Falls School District (ISD 544) be included on the school census – even the youngest babies. If you or someone you know recently moved into our district or had an addition to the family, including a birth or adoption, or a change of address, please let us know. Being counted is important because:
You will receive Early Childhood, ECFE, and Preschool mailings
You will be notified of Early Childhood Screening and District Information
The district will be ready for your child when it is time for kindergarten
Click here to download the school census form.
For more information, contact Jayna Johnson, Early Childhood Program Secretary at 218-998-0544 Ext. 8900