Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. What are the options to enroll my child in Kindergarten?
All Day, Every Day (KF) - With the All Day, Every Day option, you are choosing to send your child to school every day that school is in session. When enrolling online this option shows as KF
Monday, Wednesday, Friday (KC) - With the M-W-F option, you are choosing to send your child to school for the entire school day every Monday, Wednesday and Friday that school is in session. If you select this option, please read any frequently asked questions below involving the MWF option. When enrolling online this option shows as KC.
Mornings Only (KA) - With the Mornings Only option, you are choosing to send your child to school every day that school is in session for the mornings only. Parents or guardians must provide transportation home from school at mid-day. If you select this option, please read any frequently asked questions below involving the Mornings Only option. When enrolling online this option shows as KA.
Q. What is the most popular option?
All Day, Every Day. Most classrooms will have one or two students who are not All Day, Every Day Students.
Q. Is there a cost for any of the options?
No, all options are free
Q. If my child is enrolled in the MWF option, can s/he attend school on a Tuesday or Thursday when there is a special event?
No. Selecting the MWF option means that students attend school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Some special events fall on MWF, some do not.
Q. If my child is enrolled in the Mornings Only option, can s/he attend school in the afternoons when there is a special event?
No. Selecting the Mornings Only option means that students attend school in the mornings. Some special events fall in the mornings, some do not.